I used 180 grit paper with my palm sander. I'm not really going for a complete strip, as I will be painting this piece. I also had to be conscience of the veneer and to not go through it. So, my goal was to get the shine off and get a smooth surface for the primer and paint to stick. After I sanded down, I filled in the chips in the veneer and will let them sit until probably next weekend and then will sand those down. I was also able to pop off the key holes with a very small screwdriver. I have yet to decide whether I am going to just clean them or give them a new color. I chose to leave the legs alone for now...mostly because I didn't feel like standing on my head to sand them.
Now, onto my color choice. Since we are having a girl, and I am 100% going for a girly nursery, I am leaning heavily towards pink. I'm thinking a very light champagne pink. Andy has placed a bet that I will paint it pink and then not like it and change it to white. We shall see. I have at least a week to make up my mind officially. I am also debating on handles...at first, I was sure I'd go with glass knobs. Very chic and antique. But now some other ideas have surfaced. Bottom line, I don't want this to be typical...I want it to be unique without going overboard.
I also realized I should give you a "before" shot of the nursery. So, here's how it sits today:
We are going to keep the yellow paint, but I'd really like to do a horizontal stripe in a gloss or something like that to add some texture. It's a pretty small room at 10x10 but the closet is good size, especially for the era this house was built in (late 50's/early 60's).
So, have any of you out there just been taking it easy lately and now ready to jump head first into a list of projects? Do share!